Anatomy - Muscles of the Lower Body // Cramberry: Create & study
27 Jan 2011 Action elevates the scapula. Innervation dorsal scapular nerve (C5); the upper part of the muscle receives branches of C3 & C4
Innervation Supinator
12 Jun 2009 Title: Back Muscles . Description: Ugh! Total Flash Cards : 23 innervation : C1 posterior ramus. action : ipsilateral rotation of head
PT Central - Complete Muscle Tables for the Human Body
Action : flexes wrist, 2nd-5th MP joints, and PIP joints Innervation : lateral 1/2 of muscle innervated by median nerve (C6-C8 fibers), medial 1/2 of
Muscle flash cards - Shop sales, stores & prices at
Levator Scapulae innervation : Cervical spinal nerves and dorsal scapular
Innervation and Action of Extrinsic Eye Muscles -
Orbicularis Oris action : Closes lips; purses and protrudes lips (kissing muscle ) . Orbicularis Oris innervation : Facial nerve
Session 1: Superficial Back Flash Cards | IQFuseâ˘
13 Feb 2009 Vocabulary words for MCC A&P I Muscle Origin, Insertion
Printable Flashcard on Muscles that Move the Hand: Free Flash cards
Levator anguli oris leva= raise. Action - draes corners of mouth sieriorly and laterally "smile" muscle . Innervation - CN VII (facial nerve)
Innervation , Action , Names of Muscles (of Upper and Lower Limb)- a
4 Sep 2007 This card set contains names of muscles of the arm, forearm, & hand on one side with the muscle action & innervation on the other.
Ultimate Anatomy Flash Cards (Bryan Edwards) for - Free software
19 Aug 2010 Vocabulary words for Muscle origin, insertion, action
Anatomy: Actions & Innervation of Arm, Forearm, Hand, Extrinsic
TITLE: Innervation and Action of Extrinsic Eye Muscles : Anterior View of Left Eye. This Illustration was Published In. Netter's Advanced Head and Neck Flash
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