ApHCC Judges List
Judges Card : AQHA Judge , Cat 1 NSBA Judge. 1. Clean pressed jeans and button down shirt with collar and cuffs. 2. I like when a halter exhibitor pays
Cedar Ridge Ranch
David proved his dedication to improving the industry by stepping up and getting his AQHA judges card in 2005. He is currently committed to judging two AQHA
AQHA Implements Judges Rating System - Just another WordPress weblog.
Kyle Ranch, Pete and Tamra Kyle, NRHA, AQHA , training, reining
Pete also holds judges cards for the AQHA , NRHA, and NSBA. Pete is also proud to have been a member of the 2008 FEI USA Reining Team competing in Manerbio,
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File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick ViewOne AQHA approved judge will submit the AQHA judge's card . NEW This Year - Quarter Horse High Points in Youth, Amateur and Open
APHA.Com - Judges
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick ViewAll-Around judges who have an NCHA judging card have their hands full. “Three hundred twenty ( AQHA ) judges are technically approved to judge cutting. They
Terry Thompson, Inc. - Reining Horses At Their Finest
We'll send you easy-to-use instructions on how to send the judge's cards and
TO READ THE COMPLETE ARTICLE - Dellin Quarter Horses, Dave and
She specializes in the training of the AQHA all around horse and rider, Lee Ann holds judges cards with the American Quarter Horse Association,
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26 Apr 2010 2010 Additions to the APHA Approved Judges List. Jason
Meet NRHA Judge Tina Kuenzli
He also holds judges cards for multiple associations including AQHA , APHA & NSBA . He and his wife Deb own and operate Cedar Ridge Ranch, a training and
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick ViewExamine and review credentials of applicants for judge's cards to determine they have obtained approval from the AQHA Judges Committee and/or the AQHA
The AQHA Judge's View on Fashion
An AQHA Judges taskforce recently approved two new score sheets for

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