3d workstation. advice - Building - Desktops
17 Jul 2009 Rolling Your Own Render Node How To: Building Your Own
GPU Rendering : An Update - Jigsaw Modelling & Animation
Modular, scalable GPU expansion for large studios and render farms farms with an easy, scalable GPU expansion solution for between 1-5 render nodes . which can host as many as 10 Fermi- based /NVIDIA GPU cards per workstation.
Burn node slow to render - Area :: Discussions
23 posts - 13 authors - Last post: 12 Oct 2009What I was hoping to do is to use GPU based rendering, In that, I was hoping to buy a new nVidia graphics card for GPU rendering (a GTX 295 machine that produces 27 min renders and have it serve as a render node .
Dumbledore's Inferno | NVISION Magazine
NVIDIA's Quadro 4600 and 5600 series cards were used for its work on Harry Potter and .... Presently, ILM does not have a dedicated GPU - based render farm ,
Real-Time Rendering with AAA Studio's FurryBall for Maya on
13 Jan 2010 Does the above mentioned GPU aware software need render farm or GPU would be Browse other questions tagged renderer gpu graphic- card
Gelato (software) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
20 posts - 3 authors - Last post: 17 Nov 2010A render farm wouldn't use geforce cards , but quadro's instead. .... have the resources to not only create lots of gpu based render nodes ,
Octane Render - 3DTotal Forums
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick Viewby M Lambers - Cited by 2 - Related articlesstereo display areas is driven by one render node with two graphics cards , one for the left eye view and one for the right eye view. The six render nodes share a single disk alization systems with multiple GPUs and/or render nodes ,
Can blender use a NVIDIA Quadro FX 2700M 48-core CUDA 512MB
28 posts - 14 authors - Last post: 5 Mar 2010It would be nice if a GPU Renderer could make use of the System RAM and not
Building a 3ds max / workstation [Archive] - Overclockers Forums
7 posts - 5 authors - Last post: 12 Nov 2010One of my clients is a small 3D shop, their render farm How much sense would it make to upgrade the current boxes with graphics cards and go iray (they're 3U , render nodes , as it gives them the best price/performance ratio. .... However, being able to integrate a GPU renderer straight into
Bench sr-2 - GameReplays.org
11 posts - 10 authors - Last post: 29 Jan 2010Octane Render, a GPU based , un-biased, physically based renderer. .... that effect over multiple off-the-shelf cheap GPU render enabled cards ? a 15 minute render per frame on a render node that is cheap enough to buy
Current state of GPU - based rendering ? - Ars Technica OpenForum
7 Jun 2010 Category 3D Modelling , Animation & VFX , Render Farms & HPC As this was the first GPU - based renderer actually integrated into a mainstream 3d program, we were hopeful that meaning that it will run on graphics cards from both Nvidia and AMD. they haven't enabled the iRay rendering node .
Home Brewed 24 Core Render Farm ! | BlenderNation
19 Mar 2010 Home made render farm nodes for 3dstudio, ATHLON II X4 630
How big would a 240 node render farm be? Tesla is a desktop size
17 posts - 9 authors - Last post: 12 Jan 2010The Quadro cards are better for static images as the Geforce cards .... to a farm , but you usually want to leave that as a last resort). GPU rendering is the dream, but it's a slow trend that is taking a long time to become common. and Mental Images started talking about GPU based rendering ?
Is there any type of renderer that can use the GPU of the graphic
17 Jul 2009 You can use an integrated GPU or a spare mainstream card you have GPU - Based Rendering. Introduction · Rolling Your Own Render Node

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